vrijdag 5 april 2013
is a public domain compilation containing the elementary techniques for flirting, dating and making conversation.
It is the essential guide to flirting and dating for boys and girls, revealing the secret to successful seduction and lasting passion.
Learn now how to get the boy or girl you want ... and keep them.
So you walked up to her and said "Hi!" ... and now : what ?
This is a book about starting up conversations and keeping them going.
Contrary to what you may have been thinking, finding the perfect opening line need not be a problem at all: You can say almost anything you want as long as you do so in a friendly way. If a girl is interested in you, she won't care much about your first line. It's what comes next, that matters!
This THREE-IN-ONE volume includes two of the author's bestselling books: "The art of hypnotic
seduction", about the incredible and magical power of words and "What to say after you said hello", about making conversation when dating.
The third section, "Elementary flirting and dating" has been added as a free bonus. It contains the best information on the subjects as found in free domain publications on the internet
This workbook will teach you ten simple techniques that will allow you to create an atmosphere of appreciation and happy belonging, which will bring your date in a trance like state, in which all becomes possible.
Labels: approaching, dating, flirting, hypnotical seduction, manuals, mental seduction, psychological seduction, seducing, Seduction
In deze boeken focust Eddy Adriaens op een aantal zeer belangrijke communicatietechnieken: contacten leggen en onderhouden, vrienden maken en houden, een gesprek starten en in gang houden, jezelf en anderen motiveren, spreken in het openbaar ... het draait allemaal rond communicatie.
Goede communicatie op haar beurt vereist sterke interpersoonlijke vaardigheden. Hoe word je meer assertief? Hoe geef en ontvang je feedback? Hoe vraag je iets en hoe reageer je op een verzoek? Hoe breng je slecht nieuws? Hoe ga je om met verandering?
In "Leven is communiceren" vind je gedetailleerde informatie en nuttige tips om je communicatie met anderen te verbeteren en zowel privé als beroepsmatig beter te scoren.
"Leven is communiceren" is zowel als downloadfile als in boekvorm verkrijgbaar bij http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/Jaimelavie
Deze bundel omvat, naast de wetten voor goede communicatie en conversatie, ook de boekdelen "Leven is Communiceren" en "Geweldloze Communicatie"
We are all living our lives the best way we can, trying to fulfill our needs as good as possible, trying also to do this without hurting others. And yet .... Often we feel miss interpreted, not understood, talking to walls, finding it impossible to convince others of our good intentions.
That's where Marshall Rosenberg steps in with his longtime famous, but always very needed theory of NONVIOLENT COMMUNICATION.
Labels: assertiviteit, communicatie, communicatie technieken, efficiënt, goed communiceren, goede communicatie, nonviolent communication, slecht nieuws brengen, technieken, verandering, vrienden maken, wetten
In this book about communication, influencing, persuading and motivating, you will mainly read articles based on the theories of Roberto Cialdani, John Maxwell and Milton Erickson (Richard Bandler, John Grinder).
Amongst other great books on the market place, I warmly recommend you to also read Mr Stephen Covey's "The seven habits of highly effective people" and Mr Dale Carnegy's pioneering book "How to win friends and influence people" that was first published in 1936 or 1937, but still is as interesting as it was almost a century ago.
Influence includes being able to persuade, motivate and negotiate in order to get what you want.
Imagine how important it is to each of us to improve our ability to influence others: to make friends and inspire them, to win other people for our standpoint or to make business contacts and reach positive agreements with them.
What if you were even only slightly more succesful in this art? Just imagine the possible benefits for your personal life, your love life, your carreer, your social life, your personal happines, your financial position!
You know how important it is to educate yourself, to develop a vision, to plan, and to work towards your goals with flexibility and perseverance. Yet you also know that the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor does food always come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned.
One of the main reasons why excellent people do not advance in their carreers or fail in life, is because they don't realize the enormous importance of networking and communication.
Knowledge and personal capacities are not enough to be successful. You need influencing skills to make it in this life!
Since this great book about the art of influencing and persuading others, is composed of articles found in the public domain, which are freely accessible for anybody on the internet, it's only fair that you should also be able to download this book totally free of costs.
So, why not download the book and start today to take your influencing and persuading skills to the next level?
The knowledge contained in this book will allow you to more succesfully
* make friends and inspire them
* win other people for your standpoint
* make business contacts
* negotiate positive agreements
* advance in your carreer
* enhance your personal life, your love life, your social life
* enhance your personal happiness
* enhance your financial position
By getting better at influencing and persuading people, you will in short, be able to create for yourself and your loved ones the kind of life you have been dreaming of
It's free, so just get started now!
Dean Amory
Labels: get what you want, influence, make people do what you want, motivate, persuade
Unlike people who are trying to influence, persuade or convince others, manipulators work with unfair means to get what they want. They do not respect the personal rights of their victims. They violate the victim's integrity, work with hidden agendas and deliberately use dishonest tricks like faulty reasoning, coercion, blackmail and lying in an attempt to control the victim's actions. Manipulation is about suiting the manipulator's advantage or purpose only, often at the expense of the victim.
Yet, it is often difficult to know when you are being manipulated: manipulators do all they can to convince you that you are the one who is to benefit most from their actions and that they are acting in good faith.
It's often really difficult to recognize manipulation when it happens. After all, if we are aware that it is happening, would we allow ourselves to be manipulated?
That is where this book comes in handy: it explains the tricks manipulators use and teaches you how to best defend and protect yourself.
Labels: get what you want, handbook, make people do what you want, manipulation, manual, mental manipulation, psychological manipulation, social manipulation, tactics, techniques, tricks
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