zaterdag 1 augustus 2009
Dit is een copie van mijn store shop bij lulu.
De originele webpagina vindt U op:
Check aub altijd de originele pagina om beschikbaarheid en prijs van de aangeboden werken te controleren.
This is a copy of my Lulu store shop
The original webpage can be found at:
Please, always consult the original web page to check availability and present price of the listed books.
All About Hypnotic Seduction Print: €21.53 Download: €4.00
This workbook will teach you ten simple techniques that will allow you to create an atmosphere of appreciation and happy belonging, which will bring your date in a trance like state, in which all becomes possible.
The Incredible Power Of Words Print: €21.07 Download: €3.99
The present workbook lists ten indispensable and infallible stepstones for successfully applying the art of influencing people. In fact, by using only these ten ingredients, your success rate in such fields as selling, convincing and seducing will soar dramatically.
CODEPENDENCE Print: €22.67 Download: FREE
Dr Irene Matiatos says : "Some of the nicest people I know are codependent. They always smile, never refuse to do a favor. They are happy and bubbly all the time. They understand others and have the ability to make people feel good. People like them!" ... and then she and a series of other specialists in the field explain you why this attitude is in fact very destructive to relationships, what its origins are and how you can overcome it. If you value your relationship and you have the feeling that the giving - taking part is not always in balance, than this is the one work that you should read !
Elementary Flirting and Dating Print: €20.71 Download: FREE
THE ART OF SUCCESSFUL FLIRTING AND DATING is a public domain compilation containing the elementary techniques for flirting, dating and making conversation. It is the essential guide to flirting and dating for boys and girls, revealing the secret to successful seduction and lasting passion. Learn now how to get the boy or girl you want ... and keep them.
DE KRACHT VAN WOORDEN Print: €16.52 Download: €5.00
In deze Powercursus leer je de technieken aan die gebruikt worden om ons wereldbeeld, onze opvattingen, visies en voorkeuren te wijzigen. Je verwerft inzicht in geraffineerde manieren om mensen te beïnvloeden, te verleiden, te misleiden, te overhalen en te hypnotiseren.
HET ADRIAENS BOEK Download: €5.00 Hardcover: €48.82
Familiegeschiedenis van de familie Adriaens - De Pauw uit Terjoden, aangevuld met stambomen van de 16e eeuw tot nu, van de families Adriaens, De Pauw en De Schryver afkomstig uit Denderhoutem, Oost Vlaanderen, België en met interessante teksten over de geschiedenis van onze streek.
MARLEEN - Dagboek Van Mijn Apenjaren In De Handelsschool In Aalst
Download: €2.50 Hardcover Print: €16.29
Dit verhaal situeert zich in Aalst en begint op de eerste schooldag in 1970. Die dag wordt Eddy verliefd op een nieuwe klasgenote, Marleen. Een paar maanden later al krijgt hij de bons. Wanneer blijkt dat de beide jonge mensen elkaar niet echt kunnen loslaten, begint een moeilijke dans van aanhalen en afstand nemen. Wij volgen Eddy gedurende deze periode en de twee volgende jaren en maken mee hoe hij worstelt om voor zichzelf antwoorden te vinden op de vragen die wij ons in die levensfaze allemaal stellen: over verliefd worden, liefde, omgaan met mensen, respect, de redenen waarom we zijn zoals wij zijn, enz ...
Welcome Into My Life (photo book) Print: €29.15
De Resultaten Van Een Avondje Tijd-Verdrijven Op Het Internet.
The Results Of An Evening Of Wasting Time On the World Wide Web.
We are all living our lives the best way we can, trying to fulfill our needs as good as possible, trying also to do this without hurting others. And yet .... Often we feel miss interpreted, not understood, talking to walls, finding it impossible to convince others of our good intentions. That's where Marshall Rosenberg steps in with his longtime famous, but always very needed theory of NONVIOLENT COMMUNICATION.
The Little Book Of Back Pain (book) Print: €14.97 Download: €3.00
80% of all people will suffer from severe back pain at one or more moments in their life. Reason enough to investigate which behaviour is responsible for most cases of back pain, what we can do to to prevent it and how we might heal it. The information in this book was found on the internet in various public domain articles. As I hold no medical degree, nor have any experience in training, and as furthermore each case of back pain is unique in some aspects, please do not start exercising without explicite approval of your GP or attending medical specialist.
The Little Book Of Success And Happiness Print: €17.14 Download: €5.00
Great books have been written about how to become more happy and successful in life. From a practical standpoint, we don't always need all the beautiful words and big ideas. Often, having a little book close to hand with just the right words is of much greater practical value. That is exactly what this little book will do: Get You Started To Enhance Your Quality Of Life.
What To Say After You Said Hello! Print: €15.91 Download: €4.00
So you walked up to her and said "Hi!" ... and now : what ? This is a book about starting up conversations and keeping them going. Contrary to what you may have been thinking, finding the perfect opening line need not be a problem at all: You can say almost anything you want as long as you do so in a friendly way. If a girl is interested in you, she won't care much about your first line. It's what comes next, that matters!
How to Write a Fairy Tale Print: €20.55 Download: €5.00
Complete course on writing Fairy Tales, compilated from information freely available on the world wide web, completed with "some salt and pepper from my own storehouse".
De originele webpagina vindt U op:
Check aub altijd de originele pagina om beschikbaarheid en prijs van de aangeboden werken te controleren.
This is a copy of my Lulu store shop
The original webpage can be found at:
Please, always consult the original web page to check availability and present price of the listed books.
All About Hypnotic Seduction Print: €21.53 Download: €4.00
This workbook will teach you ten simple techniques that will allow you to create an atmosphere of appreciation and happy belonging, which will bring your date in a trance like state, in which all becomes possible.
The Incredible Power Of Words Print: €21.07 Download: €3.99
The present workbook lists ten indispensable and infallible stepstones for successfully applying the art of influencing people. In fact, by using only these ten ingredients, your success rate in such fields as selling, convincing and seducing will soar dramatically.
CODEPENDENCE Print: €22.67 Download: FREE
Dr Irene Matiatos says : "Some of the nicest people I know are codependent. They always smile, never refuse to do a favor. They are happy and bubbly all the time. They understand others and have the ability to make people feel good. People like them!" ... and then she and a series of other specialists in the field explain you why this attitude is in fact very destructive to relationships, what its origins are and how you can overcome it. If you value your relationship and you have the feeling that the giving - taking part is not always in balance, than this is the one work that you should read !
Elementary Flirting and Dating Print: €20.71 Download: FREE
THE ART OF SUCCESSFUL FLIRTING AND DATING is a public domain compilation containing the elementary techniques for flirting, dating and making conversation. It is the essential guide to flirting and dating for boys and girls, revealing the secret to successful seduction and lasting passion. Learn now how to get the boy or girl you want ... and keep them.
DE KRACHT VAN WOORDEN Print: €16.52 Download: €5.00
In deze Powercursus leer je de technieken aan die gebruikt worden om ons wereldbeeld, onze opvattingen, visies en voorkeuren te wijzigen. Je verwerft inzicht in geraffineerde manieren om mensen te beïnvloeden, te verleiden, te misleiden, te overhalen en te hypnotiseren.
HET ADRIAENS BOEK Download: €5.00 Hardcover: €48.82
Familiegeschiedenis van de familie Adriaens - De Pauw uit Terjoden, aangevuld met stambomen van de 16e eeuw tot nu, van de families Adriaens, De Pauw en De Schryver afkomstig uit Denderhoutem, Oost Vlaanderen, België en met interessante teksten over de geschiedenis van onze streek.
MARLEEN - Dagboek Van Mijn Apenjaren In De Handelsschool In Aalst
Download: €2.50 Hardcover Print: €16.29
Dit verhaal situeert zich in Aalst en begint op de eerste schooldag in 1970. Die dag wordt Eddy verliefd op een nieuwe klasgenote, Marleen. Een paar maanden later al krijgt hij de bons. Wanneer blijkt dat de beide jonge mensen elkaar niet echt kunnen loslaten, begint een moeilijke dans van aanhalen en afstand nemen. Wij volgen Eddy gedurende deze periode en de twee volgende jaren en maken mee hoe hij worstelt om voor zichzelf antwoorden te vinden op de vragen die wij ons in die levensfaze allemaal stellen: over verliefd worden, liefde, omgaan met mensen, respect, de redenen waarom we zijn zoals wij zijn, enz ...
Welcome Into My Life (photo book) Print: €29.15
De Resultaten Van Een Avondje Tijd-Verdrijven Op Het Internet.
The Results Of An Evening Of Wasting Time On the World Wide Web.
We are all living our lives the best way we can, trying to fulfill our needs as good as possible, trying also to do this without hurting others. And yet .... Often we feel miss interpreted, not understood, talking to walls, finding it impossible to convince others of our good intentions. That's where Marshall Rosenberg steps in with his longtime famous, but always very needed theory of NONVIOLENT COMMUNICATION.
The Little Book Of Back Pain (book) Print: €14.97 Download: €3.00
80% of all people will suffer from severe back pain at one or more moments in their life. Reason enough to investigate which behaviour is responsible for most cases of back pain, what we can do to to prevent it and how we might heal it. The information in this book was found on the internet in various public domain articles. As I hold no medical degree, nor have any experience in training, and as furthermore each case of back pain is unique in some aspects, please do not start exercising without explicite approval of your GP or attending medical specialist.
The Little Book Of Success And Happiness Print: €17.14 Download: €5.00
Great books have been written about how to become more happy and successful in life. From a practical standpoint, we don't always need all the beautiful words and big ideas. Often, having a little book close to hand with just the right words is of much greater practical value. That is exactly what this little book will do: Get You Started To Enhance Your Quality Of Life.
What To Say After You Said Hello! Print: €15.91 Download: €4.00
So you walked up to her and said "Hi!" ... and now : what ? This is a book about starting up conversations and keeping them going. Contrary to what you may have been thinking, finding the perfect opening line need not be a problem at all: You can say almost anything you want as long as you do so in a friendly way. If a girl is interested in you, she won't care much about your first line. It's what comes next, that matters!
How to Write a Fairy Tale Print: €20.55 Download: €5.00
Complete course on writing Fairy Tales, compilated from information freely available on the world wide web, completed with "some salt and pepper from my own storehouse".
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